I have been following this page for a long time now and this will be my first post. I know it's just a rainbow coffee cup but to me it is so much more.
This November I lost my dad, after a year and a half long battle with Leukemia that he beat. I had been pretty absent the whole time these rainbow mugs were getting big here. I checked in and seen a post about one and had made a simple comment on that post to which an amazing member reached out and wanted to make sure I had me a rainbow cup.
See we my mom met my dad I was 3 and I vividly remember this cup along with canisters and pillow cases too. The first day we stayed with him I was drawn to this set. This man wasn't my dad because he had to be, he choose to be and I truly believe he was my person. I could go to him with anything and he always was there with a listening ear. When I was in forth grade he officially adopted me and my little sister and we all got to have the same last name. He was my person and when we lost him I feel like I lost a big part of myself.
Days are still hard but now thanks to one amazing person I can now have my morning cup of coffee with a smile and my dad, coffee every morning was his thing 🥰
Did I mention this cup made a trip from Canada all the way to the very south coast of Louisiana 😁
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