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[Rant] I already lost it physically, but now I'm losing it emotionally.

So I'm a 5'6" Korean guy who pretty much already lost it. I used to weigh 100kg (220lbs) and now I weigh between 62-63kg (138lbs) and I'm maintaining it.

Here's the thing. I am barely maintaining my weigh by doing OMAD or straight up fasting through a whole day. It's frustrating since I love eating, and the fact that I can only eat once a day or not at all in order to barely maintain my weight sucks because one of my biggest joys in life is basically halved or even less than that.

The way that I lost weight in the first place was because I basically did extended fasting and stuff. I know it's not the most healthy way of doing so, but I admit I'm a lazy guy. Also, I don't really feel much hunger as long as I'm "distracted" and well, when I lost weight in college I was always around my friends and spent time doing things that would pass the time easily so it was honestly pretty easy.

However, now that I graduated from college and am living with my parents for the time being, and even worse being in a different time zone with my friends, it kinda sucks because I don't get to spend time at all with my friends unless it's on the weekends so I seem to spend more time trying to find something to munch on to spend the time.

Yes, I look marginally better than I used to be when I was fat, but at what cost? I don't really feel any lighter or better overall compared to before I lost it. Honestly I just started to lose weight since I had nothing to do when the pandemic started and I just wanted some sort of goal to achieve.

However, even as "healthy" of a weight range I'm in, I don't know if it's worth sacrificing such a big chunk of my joy in life to just be considered being in a healthy weight range. I'm one of those people who would rather live 40 years enjoying things than live 80 years overly restricting myself.

I know that I could build a lot more muscle and make my TDEE higher that way I can eat once or twice a day and still maintain my weight. However, not a lot of people enjoy working out in the first place and I'm obviously not one of them. As much as it seems to be a solution to my problem, people have other hobbies and other things they'd rather do and working out is simply not one of them for me. I barely have enough time to spend with my friends in the first place because I live in a different time zone with my friends, and even then I have some hobbies I'd rather spend time on than doing workouts. I go to work at 7AM in the morning and by the time I'm home and take a shower it's already 7PM. I only have a handful of time for myself before I can go to bed and it honestly sucks big time just trying to maintain my weight because one of the biggest joys in my life is severely compromised through my loss of weight.

At what point is it not worth losing any more? I guess I'm happy that my blood pressure is now in a healthy range. But I hate the idea of having put in this much effort all this time and gaining weight again.

Sorry for being so pessimistic but I want to know if there are other people who lost weight and decided it's not worth it for your own happiness and found a good middle ground or something.

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