23F living in the USA, current weight is 260 and goal weight is 210. Current job is dishwasher part-time.
Hello all!
I joined this subreddit to get help about my weightloss because Im at my wits end trying to get my stubborn 'you will survive the plague' body to lose a couple pounds. When I was 19 I was at 210, which felt great as my family has a history of diabetes, heart problems, and weight gain. However in 2020 I got Nexplon, and then the actual plague hit. I went from 210 to 260 from 2020 to now, which is obviously a big concern. I was unemployed for about a year, so I assume that and Nexplon combined wasnt very good for my overall health. My primary doctor told me when I weighed 253 that if I climbed above 260 I would be considered medically obese and given a mobility aid, which is embarrassing in itself, and leads me to try to figure out what I can do to lose weight.
I dont drink a lot of sugary drinks or consume a lot of sugar, mostly because it triggers my cluster headaches. I might eat a cookie or Sweettart once every week or two. I do heavily drink energy drinks, but I try to drink Bubblr only. If thats not available I drink juice.
I work 99% of my job on my feet for 6 hrs a day, the only time I sit is using the restroom. Most of the movement is my hands and arm, picking up, reaching, grabbing. Some of the job involves bending and walking.
The job does have two flights of stairs to use the restroom, otherwise its flat.
I eat basically whatever they serve on the menu, which rotates. Its either that or go to a bar next door and order their food...which isnt all that healthy.
So with that in mind..what are some steps that I can do to lose weight? Have any ladies here had rapid weight gain on Nexplon? Maybe some simple exercise suggestions?
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