Some background: the title is in reference to my gf. We are both 24 and recently moved to a MCOL area after she finished up grad school. Her income will increase next year as a result (~$80k take home) but she will be taxed as a W2 and 1099 for a while in 2022 as she builds her client base. We are currently renting but hope to buy within the next 2 years when (if) the market slows. We will likely get married in that time frame as well. No plans for kids in the near future. No other debt besides the student loans.
Given this, she plans to put all of the $10k towards the loan debt. What is the best way to go about this to maximize the money?
Should she invest it and pay the loans over time from the invested money and try to get more from the $10k over time? Or should she pay $10k towards the highest interest loan(s) in a chunk?
Her mom has a trustworthy financial advisor/broker that my gf plans on speaking with. I am also wondering if she should invest it herself to avoid the fees from the advisor, since the investments would likely be very safe plays.
We are not used to dealing with larger sums of money, but my time lurking led me to the two options I mentioned. Is there anything we are not considering? Very open to constructive criticism.
Thanks in advance!
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