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How do you deal with other people's reactions to low calorie intake?

I went through a rough period last year, but I've been getting better, and a large part of it was getting serious about weightloss.

February 1st I decided to weigh myself daily, and I've lost 31 lbs since then through caloric restriction. (I'm still extremely overweight, but I feel the best I have in a long time, and I feel like I'm making changes that will stick.)

The problem is: people tend to notice when you don't eat, and my weight is something I'm insecure about and don't want to talk with other people about.

I actually lost my best friend over this, they wanted to talk about how I hadn't eaten one day. At first I was able to brush it off, but after repeated attempts at forcing a conversation about it, I had a very public meltdown (their response after driving me to that state was telling me never to contact them again, so maybe it was for the best)

Obviously that was an unusual circumstance, but in a more common setting like going to lunch with coworkers, how do you do you practice severe caloric restriction without sticking out?

I don't want people to worry about me, but I also don't know how to productively talk about my weight after the toll it takes on my mental health. I feel like if I had been firmer about my unwillingness to discuss my restriction things wouldn't have escalated with my friend, but at the same time I don't want to seem cold to people who might they're looking out for me. Have other people struggled with balancing this?

tl;dr: How do I handle situations where someone notices that I'm not eating?

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