Hello , I decided to stop eating out and lose this Covid weight, I have a good meal plan but was wondering if powdered peanut butter and jam with whole grained slices of bread is a good snack to eat everyday apart from my meals??? To me it seems fine. What do ya think?
I’m 5’10 and almost 210lbs.
The pandemic had me eating so much it’s time to get back in shape, I work a lot now and I’m about to go back in the gym, I bought powdered peanut butter because It seems to be the best and the jam Ive bought is very low in calories.
I heard eating bread isn’t ideal when trying to lose weight but I don’t know if whole grained bread will help with weight loss I just know it’s a healthier option.
When I lose weight I tend to only account for calorie intake and that’s all, I don’t know anything about sat fats, trans fat fat etc. I don’t know if they’re important to keep track off or not, hopefully this is enough to post now, lol.
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